
Tips on Memorizing the Qur’an

Here are seven tips on how to efficiently memorize the Qur’an: 1.       Consistency is the Key The more frequently you sit down to review and memorize the Qur’an, the easier it becomes, so stick to a schedule of study. Motivate yourself by remembering that you can easily memorize three to…

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Eid treats from around the world

Eid is nearly here and that means Muslims are busy with preparations – shopping for new clothes, preparing presents for the children, cleaning their homes and finalizing their Eid plans.  In these last two days of Ramadan, no part of the house is as busy as the kitchen, because it…

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On Exits: Domestic Violence, Karbala, and Exodus

As someone who was raised in the Sunni tradition, at the start of every Muharram I find myself returning to an essay by Annemarie Schimmel, an influential scholar on Islam and Sufism about the significance of Muharram, Karbala, and Hussain, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature.* As…

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Internship Announcement

altM and Safina Fellowship are seeking an intern to assist with the launch of the campaign #OurChoiceNotYours. The Intern will work virtually with the founders of the campaign to manage and contribute communications and social media strategy, and develop activities that feed the campaign. Applicants should have experience and interest…

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Infertile Muslim Couples Face Tough Choices, Pressure

Genetics counselor Lama Eldahdah spends most of her time thinking about reproductive probabilities, but when she sits down with Muslim patients who are battling infertility, the conversation rarely focuses on odds. “Religious people say it’s God’s will, non-religious people say it’s statistics,” said Eldahdah, who works for Chicago’s Reproductive Genetics…

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Why Alton Sterling and Black Lives Matter to me

As long as police brutality, systemic oppression of black people in this country, and racism occur, no person, Muslim or non-Muslim in this country should stand silent. #BlackLivesMatter should be a concern for every living person. Black people have contributed to the civil rights and benefit of our society for…

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