
I disdain the niqab

I’m quite frankly nauseated of the constant hypocritical chatter about the face veil aka niqab. This cause du jour should really be sold for what it truly is and not some foolish attempt at equating dress to women’s rights.

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News briefs for week of May 24, 2010

In the news, Emirati woman is charged with illegal sex after reporting rape, Saudi women face off with virtue police, Sarkozy cautions against hurt feelings as cabinet passes veil ban, Miss USA speaks to NPR about controversy surrounding her, and Sex and the City 2 is accused of being anti-Muslim.

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Dressed for success: Sunshine, heat, and the professional Muslimah

Listening to the weather forecast on my way to work, I pondered on the challenges the professional Muslimah faces when dressing appropriately. Whether it is finding modest clothing that suit her workplace, or finding an outfit that complies with safety requirements for risky jobs, we are often haunted by making the right dress choices that will enable us to get the job done while climbing the corporate ladder.

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What Muslims talk about over dinner

For some Muslim 20 and 30-somethings, Friday nights mean staying in, ordering pizza, and discussing how the current socio-political climate is affecting our daily lives and even futures. And while we find ourselves generally stressed about the entire situation, and fear things like getting fired for praying at work, or wearing hijab, or just having a Muslim name- sometimes we just have to step out and realize the ridiculousness of the predicament that so many of us are in.

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News Briefs for the Week of May 15, 2010

This week, three Muslim women are elected to the British Parliament, an all-women’s concert is planned in Abu Dhabi, Fatima Bhutto speaks her mind to CBS News, Qatari women will soon have a soccer league of their own, and a Mali imam is fearful after voicing his support of a controversial family law.

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Skin Deep: Jessica Simpson’s The Price of Beauty

Anyone who’s heard of Jessica Simpson knows that she’s not portrayed in the best manner when it comes to the media. Criticisms about her weight and failed relationships are constantly on top of entertainment news. For this reason, Jessica Simpson now has her own show on VH1, called The Price of Beauty, where she travels around the world to experience different cultures and understand the true meaning of beauty. In the most recent episode, Jessica traveled to Morocco, where she became familiar with the Moroccan jalaba and tea tray dancing, among other things.

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Queen Bees: Queen Rania on Oprah

When I heard that Queen Rania of Jordan appeared on The Oprah Show not too long ago, I was a bit skeptical. Don’t get me wrong–there isn’t much to dislike about Queen Rania. Oprah said it herself: Queen Rania is a “gorgeous mother of four” and “international fashion icon” whose mission is to “make the world a better place for women and children.”

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