Readers Room

Skin Deep: Jessica Simpson’s The Price of Beauty

Anyone who’s heard of Jessica Simpson knows that she’s not portrayed in the best manner when it comes to the media. Criticisms about her weight and failed relationships are constantly on top of entertainment news. For this reason, Jessica Simpson now has her own show on VH1, called The Price of Beauty, where she travels around the world to experience different cultures and understand the true meaning of beauty. In the most recent episode, Jessica traveled to Morocco, where she became familiar with the Moroccan jalaba and tea tray dancing, among other things.

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Queen Bees: Queen Rania on Oprah

When I heard that Queen Rania of Jordan appeared on The Oprah Show not too long ago, I was a bit skeptical. Don’t get me wrong–there isn’t much to dislike about Queen Rania. Oprah said it herself: Queen Rania is a “gorgeous mother of four” and “international fashion icon” whose mission is to “make the world a better place for women and children.”

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J’adore Chador: Majida Khattari’s Art

Le Monde, France 24 and Le Nouvel Observateur covered Franco-Moroccan artist Majida Khattari’s Parisian runway show/art exhibit in April. Her show was titled “VIP” (for Voile islamique parisien) and took place at Paris’ Cité Universitaire. The show was atypical of Parisian shows in its choice of subject: a series of veils.

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Feminism in the Muslim world

I am not naive to think that this process of change will proceed quickly, or will not suffer from set backs. But change is happening – driven by courageous Muslim women and men who are fighting back against narrow, restrictive interpretations of their religion that prevent a full role for women in society

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A response to Nadiah Mohajir: Sex Education - is it a good thing?

Nadiah Mohajir has made a compelling case for why Muslim schools should offer sex education for their youth to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings and problems. But the question is – how can we do this? Is the syllabus really good enough to address these problems? As a teacher and a parent, I had my own concerns with the issue of sex education in Great Britain, and wonder how it can be incorporated into Islamic education.

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Will you be my (halal) Valentine?

Why does Valentine’s Day spark such contentious debate among American Muslims across blogs and social networking sites? What underlying emotional buttons does this commercialized cultural holiday push among American Muslims? While other holidays, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, generate a few tired and tepid discussions centered around the idea that “everyday should be Mother’s and Father’s Day,” Valentine’s Day, like the very concept of romantic love it celebrates, generates much more passionate responses. These debates touch on many topics including what love means or should mean to Muslims, the relationship between culture and religion, and the current state of romantic relationships among Muslims.

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