
Muslim American women reclaim their narrative

During this 2012 election year, Muslim women from all parts of the United States rallied together to mobilise their communities to get out the vote. A social media campaign led by activist Zeba Iqbal encouraged Muslim American men and women to amplify their influence in their respective spheres and relay the importance of voting. We held the power to elect those that would make the best decision for our future.

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There is room for you in Islam

Hey, you, yeah, you. The lady with the tattoos. The gal with the eyebrow piercings The chick with the blue hair. There is room for you in Islam. How can I say that? How can I say that you can be a part of my faith as I stand here in my all-enveloping robes and my hair – do I even have hair? – hidden under flowing fabric? How can I even approach you, think we have anything in common? How can I look at you with your skin exposed and inked, poured into skinny jeans and teetering on stiletto heels? How can you ever have anything in common with me? Why would I even bother to ask?

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A Muslim woman’s journey towards faith and acceptance — Part II

I learn about the Imam Ali Center, an Iranian mosque in Woodside, Queens, from a friend at the dergah who raves about their beautiful Ramadan prayer service. It is part of the well-organized Razi School that prides itself on academic excellence in a distinctively Islamic environment. As I approach the entrance, a habitual wave of anxiety seizes me.

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A Muslim woman’s journey towards faith and acceptance — Part I

I set myself a Ramadan challenge: to step out of the boundaries of my safe familiar and visit a mosque. My spiritual home in New York City is a Sufi dergah in Tribeca. It is a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing space, conducive to quiet contemplation and meditation. On Thursday evenings, it is open to the public for zikr, the ceremony of Divine remembrance. Our circle is led by a wise and beautiful woman—Sheikha Fariha Fatima—who possesses a joyous and compassionate approach to faith and an infectious laugh.

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Men and women as equal in the houses of God

Many people who have set foot inside mosques have noticed with great dismay that the space allotted to women is rarely equal to that of men. This is true in many different countries, including the United States. The largest Muslim organization in the country, Islamic Society of North America, issued a document titled: “Woman Friendly Mosques and Community Centers.”

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A story of friendship: A Sikh and a Muslim

Reena and I have been the best of friends since the moment we talked 23 years ago. While she is Sikh and I am a Muslim, we both share a Punjabi ancestory. I consider Reena the sister that I never had. We are about the same height and size, and with rhyming names—Reena/Sheena—many confuse us for sisters.

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Ramadan Healthy Eating Guide

Smart eating is essential to reaping the full benefits of Ramadan. This guide provides a list of tips on healthy eating and related recipes, with a focus on foods that will keep us full, alert and healthy as we forge through days of work and nights of prayer. Time is tight, so many of these recipes require little to no cooking and can be made ahead of time, in batches, or the night before suhoor. They are fast, easy, healthy and delicious. Explore, enjoy and please share your own tips and recipes in the comments!

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Boys hugging during Ramadan

Let the hunger games begin

Summertime and the living is easy—for those lucky enough to be sitting on a sun drenched beach while gentle ocean breezes waft serenely by and a handsome cabana boy brings a never ending supply of frozen drinks. For those of us cloistered at home with fasting children, not so much.

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Ramadan cheat sheet

This weekend, Ramadan sets in. It’s the month in the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast each day from dawn until sunset. With the month soon upon us, families are stocking up on dates (the food traditionally used to open the fast), charities are organizing fundraising drives and civic volunteer days and mosques around the world are preparing for optimum spiritual exercise. It’s the holiday season, summer style, but without the turkey, and potatoes, and corn, and apple cider…alright, food generally.

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