
Muslims and American Values are Not at Odds

Recently, a public policy research group called the  CATO Institute published a report on how Muslim Americans, comprised mostly of immigrants and their children, are liberalizing their views on a variety of political and social topics once they arrive in the U.S.  The article, which draws its data from a…

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Unmosqued and #AllMalePanels

When you’ve been unmosqued for a while and hang out in online spaces where you get introduced to amazing work by women scholars, you wonder, “why have I never encountered this in the mosque or the MSA?” Then you learn about the pervasive social phenomenon of #allmalepanels that infects most…

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Confessions of an Introverted Liberal Muslim Feminist

[title maintitle=”” subtitle=”9/11 changed Western perceptions of Islam, America’s perception of terrorism, and my perception of myself. “] It should come as no surprise that extroverted personalities tend to be more socially successful. They have more friends, they laugh more often in social gatherings, and their voices, literal and metaphorical,…

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Weekly roundup of altM news: Sept. 19

With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot. 1. Jews, Muslims come together to brighten Detroit…

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Weekly roundup of altM news: Sept. 12

With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot. 1. PHOTOS: Muslim Hajj Pilgrimage Reaches Its Pinnacle Through…

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