
When Pakistan is Safer than North Carolina

Remember the clock kid, Ahmed?  He was honored by President Obama for his ingenuity and scholastic achievement after he was put in handcuffs and arrested at his own school for the same. He lives with his family in Qatar now, because of safety concerns after he became a target of…

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Infertile Muslim Couples Face Tough Choices, Pressure

Genetics counselor Lama Eldahdah spends most of her time thinking about reproductive probabilities, but when she sits down with Muslim patients who are battling infertility, the conversation rarely focuses on odds. “Religious people say it’s God’s will, non-religious people say it’s statistics,” said Eldahdah, who works for Chicago’s Reproductive Genetics…

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Dear Elizabeth: Book reports and keeping tidy!

Dear Elizabeth: Should book reports be expected of elementary school children? Confused   Dear Confused, It is my belief and experience that when children are in elementary school, book reports are neither important nor advisable. The goal in the early years is to nurture a love of reading in children–reading…

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On Orphans, Adoption, and Islam

This article responds to Yusra Gomaa’s piece on altM, Placing Muslim orphans into real homes. In 1961, Frantz Fanon wrote his seminal work The Wretched of the Earth. In the section of the book entitled “On National Culture”, he indicts the colonial system of both his native Martinique as well…

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Dying in America

We brought my father home from the hospital two weeks ago, so he could die in peace. I’m told once the death rattle comes it’s a matter of hours and possibly even a few days.

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Placing Muslim orphans into real homes

Bare, grey walls tinged with a hint of yellow inside this familiar Moroccan orphanage. Crib after crib lined up next to one another with no spaces in between. Toddlers, laying silently on their faded green polka-dot sheets, likely funded by a charitable relief program. One child, perhaps walking now, is…

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