
The complexity of Muslim identity, 10 years after 9/11

With the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Muslims and non-Muslims alike are reflecting on what we, as Americans, have achieved since that fateful day — and all that is still left for us to do. For Muslims, this conversation is happening at multiple levels, as we struggle to make sense of not just the socio-political issues facing our faith community, but also the deeply personal, spiritual questions 9/11 has posed for us as individuals.

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Us, them, and me

A decade and a day ago, you could describe a guy as being tall,
Muslim, from the Bronx, and no one’s eyes would start darting.

Back then, the word “Muslim” was merely an adjective.

Today it’s an accusation. An allegation. An affront.

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Gender at heart of new Moroccan constitution

The new reforms outlined in the June 2011 Moroccan constitution can be grouped in three major categories: separation of powers, independence of justice, and good governance. However there are other key reforms that have gotten less attention but will have a major impact on Moroccan society, including a recognition of Morocco’s multicultural roots, a greater recognition of gender equality and more freedom of speech.

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Muslim women in the push for peace

With the anniversary of 9/11 fast approaching and the awareness that terrorism is still a real threat for the United States, we should consider what we might do differently to make our country a safer place.

Looking back on the last 10 years, one thing is clear: the violence of terrorism cannot be defeated with more violence. Afghanistan and Iraq are convincing proof of that; both countries remain ravaged by terrorism and al Qaeda forces seem much more resilient than the architect of the war on terror, George W. Bush, ever imagined.

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Women and religious radicalism in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, Indonesia – Perhaps surprisingly, women’s issues have become a top priority on the major political and theological agendas of the Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI). MMI is a radical Muslim umbrella group alleged to have links to Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah, a militant organisation in Southeast Asia which has initiated a series of violent attacks against US targets and allies in Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines since 1999.

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The French morality police

Since the enforcement of France and Belgium’s bans on face veils (“niqab”), the countries’ policemen have been assigned a singularly difficult task: making sure that Muslim women behave. Police are required to detain and fine Muslim women covering their faces illegally in public. The French police send some of these women to citizenship classes where they can learn the appropriate way to exhibit their spirits of liberté and égalité, while in Belgium offenders can also be jailed (sans face veils, of course)…

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Achievements of Muslim women’s rights groups

The United Nations recently established UN Women to champion gender equality and empowerment of women. In its first major report “Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice,” UN Women highlights both the global plight of women seeking justice and the amazing progress women have made in the past century. Particularly enlightening aspects of the report are the coverage of women in Muslim countries and the accomplishments of Muslim women’s rights groups.

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Driving Ms. Manal

Despite a myriad of other domestic problems, Saudi Arabia’s rulers go to great lengths to enforce the self-defeating practice of effectively banning women from driving – despite the lack of a religious basis and the female success stories found elsewhere in the Muslim world.

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British women’s jihad against violence

Open any newspaper in the UK today and the two topics which govern any discussion on Muslims are women and extremism. Unsurprisingly, Muslim women feel these topics are inadequately addressed by Muslims themselves. Time and again, extremists – claiming to speak in the name of God – successfully dominate the discourse on British Muslims without any effective opposition.

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