
The Khans in the Most Powerful Ad of this Election

Enough time has passed since Ghazala and Khizr Khan’s moving appearance at the Democratic National Convention that some people may have forgotten about them.  They are the grieving parents of Captain Humayun Khan, an American Muslim war hero who gave up his life in Iraq to save his unit from a…

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Final Debate: Trump Claims the Election Already Rigged

The last debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is finally over.  It had fewer wild moments than previous debates, with both Clinton and Trump appearing subdued. Here are some of the highlights, as captured in Twitter: GUNS – Trump insisted Clinton wanted to take away all the guns, and…

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AltM’s Second #Debate Twitter Round Up

The second Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had plenty of fireworks, tweeted live by altM at #altMLive.  Trump came into the debate under intense pressure, after a leaked 2005 video showed him bragging about groping women.  Dozens of Republicans publicly denounced him and called for him to step down,…

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Dear Neighbor: I Take Your Trump Sign Personally

Dear Neighbor: I want you to know that I take your Trump sign personally.  I take it personally because I have a vagina, or as your favored candidate might say, a “p***y.”  My daughter has one, too.  And I figure if you’re okay with a p***y-grabber for President, you might…

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Muslim Countries Host the Largest Number of Refugees

The past two years have seen increasing media attention in Europe and America on the world’s ongoing refugee crisis.  Airwaves are deluged with images of desparate people floating in dilapidated boats trying to reach Greece and Italy.  Lines of people, dirt streaked and desparate, trudging through fields and forests in…

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AltMuslimah’s #Debate Twitter Round Up

Last night was the first time that Hillary Clinton directly faced Donald Trump, in the first of three scheduled Presidential debates.  They went in with very different expectations.  She had to show that she was trustworthy, likeable, knowledgeable, Presidential.  He had to show that he could speak in full sentences and without…

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